Cynthia Howard, REALTOR

Cynthia Howard

Cell Phone: 801-860-0507
Office Location: 2200 Park Avenue, Park City

I grew up in the desert of California, but when I arrived in the state of Utah, I knew I was home. I was drawn to Summit County because of my love of the outdoors, whether it is gardening, hiking or fly fishing. I am happiest outside. We have 4 adult children, 4 grandkids, and a very sweet dog. I enjoy service and donating my time to my community, church, and I have also mentored 4 foster children to help improve the outlook of their lives.

I am a graduate of the University of Utah with a master’s degree in Organizational management. I have an extensive background in multi-family housing and have enjoyed helping people with buying and selling homes so they can find the right place to call their own. I truly believe home is where the heart is!

Get to know Cynthia

What are you known for?

What are you known for?

Recovered organizer

Born in

Born in

Provo, UT



Proudest moment

Proudest moment

Hardest thing you've ever done

Hardest thing you've ever done

Perfect day

Perfect day

Being in nature with loved ones & food

Best gift you've ever received

Best gift you've ever received


First job

First job

Secret talent

Secret talent

Define success

Define success

Being happy everyday

What do you love about Utah?

What do you love about Utah?

The diversity of the seasons, landscape, and the people

Area Listings